Reality Pump’s Pirate Game Renamed To Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry, To Be Re-Launched

Back in January 2015, Topware released Reality Pump’s pirate game, Raven’s Cry. Raven’s Cry was released in an unfinished state, something that enraged a lot of PC gamers. Reality Pump has continued work on its title and will be releasing an Extended Edition of it, called Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry.
Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry will be available for Windows, Linux, Steam OS and Mac OSX and will feature 50+ hours of game play, over 360 characters, more than 500 quests, 120 minutes of cinematics, authentic weapons, locations and ships, a free-flowing melee combat system and intense naval battle action await you in this sprawling role playing adventure.

Moreover, Vendetta: Curse of Raven’s Cry will pack reworked voice overs.
“We will redo the English Voice Overs in our own studio and start next week. For the German VOs we only need to make some additional recordings for new quests and cutscenes. I think that everyone agrees, that the German VOs are good (partial missing lipsync in the current version is caused by missing English VOs, because the lipsync does in any language not work if an English file is corrupted or missing).”

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