Download Pc Game Counter strike 1.6 - Non Steam (FULL VERSION)


Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter video game developed by Valve Corporation. It was initially developed and released as a Half-Life modification by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe in 1999, before Le and Cliffe were hired and the game's intellectual property acquired. Counter-Strike was first released by Valve on the Microsoft Windows platform in 2000. The game later spawned a franchise, and is the first installment in the Counter-Strike series. Several remakes and Ports of Counter-Strike have been released on the Xbox console, as well as OS X and Linux.. 

Minimum System Requirements 

Processor: 1 GHz Pentium IV (or equivalent)
256 MB RAM
Operating System: Windows XP/7
300 MB free hard disk space

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