IGI 2 Covert Strike PC Game Free Download
IGI 2: Covert Strike ( eng. IGI 2: Hidden kick ) - a computer game in the genre of FPS , developed " Innerloop Studios "platform for PC and published by " Codemasters " 25 February 2003 , in North America and Europe . In Russia published by 1C 11 July 2003. Is a continuation of the game Project IGI with improved graphics and artificial intelligence. The game was banned in China , because it "deliberately denigrates the image of China and the Chinese army.
The player has a small stock of health (almost irreversible), prompting him to act covertly, find workarounds for the invasion and otherwise keep secret their presence, using binoculars , infrared goggles, computer cards. In this game there are levels in which have to kill enemies openly that when nonrenew- total health (and sometimes by limiting the time of the mission) can be quite a challenge.
The game also has a mode of network game .
It offers the player: computer - cartographer of special unit IGI and all the latest technical innovations in service of British intelligence. The player's task - to infiltrate the enemy lines while performing incidental tasks, and destroy it.
In the struggle with the enemy at David Jones, a former paratrooper special unit SAS , has 3 powerful allies: weapons, tactics and camouflage. With their help superspy will thwart major terrorist organizations and prevent the onset of World War III ..
The main goal of the agent Jones - finding stolen electromagnetic pulse technology - will accompany you throughout the game. The technology was invented amerikantsami.Pri its use constitutes a powerful electromagnetic pulse hitting highly sensitive electronics opponent.
The first part of the campaign will take place in Eastern Europe, namely Russia and Ukraine. From operational sources, information was received that the Russian mafia has managed to steal the chip technology EMP. Moreover, they continued to study the technological development in the laboratory in the mountains Elbrus (in the guise of a weather station), and began the production of innovative designs electromagnetic weapons factory "Elekteh." From there, the first stretch yarns for which and undertake anti-terrorist center IGI. Successfully complete all the tasks (theft and sabotage microchips to stop production), Jones finds himself in a sticky situation - in the ranks of the organization was a traitor, and now he faces death. They arrogate to themselves been stolen samples, thunder Analysis Center IGI and drop the main character from a helicopter on the Ukrainian-Romanian border, leaving only a knife and a broken cartographer. The latter will have to cross the territory of Romania, where it will wait for an evacuation helicopter UH-60.
The second part involves dangerous work in Libya. It requires release from prison Jacob Surf - secondary characters with which we are familiar even in the first part of the game Project IGI, and get information from him. Jacob puts conditions: from David needed to take the stolen documents, grab a helicopter and kill a man (Zaleba Saida), substitute it, and assign himself all his movable and immovable property. David is sent to prison as a prisoner of weapons he can only knife. But he manages not only to escape, but the release of Jacob. They then by helicopter Ka-32 machine gun from the smash Zaleba base. After the battle, Surf puts all the materials allowed to enter the "Chinese" trail in theft EMP chips. During operation in the port of Cairo Jones faces the first traitor of the organization IGI, Officer White. After blazing shootout traitor dies, and David flies to ekranoplan to the border of China.
In the third and final part of David is on the disputed islands near China, where will acquaintance with the main villain of the game - a fanatical General Shin W. That he is responsible for the theft of technology and the development of intercontinental ballistic missiles with EMP weapons. He invested all the funds of the Chinese space program to create a military satellite with pulse weapons on board, which was to eliminate the orbiting satellites US missile defense system, as well as GPS-navigation. After that, according to his plan, should be a third world war. Beijing knows nothing about the intentions of crazy general, so will have to work again on its own. Uncover the truth about the extremely complex situation unleashes organization IGI. General Shin Do is killed in an underground laboratory, commandos sent to the cosmodrome. However, even under the best of circumstances, they will not have time to get to the launch. The latter task, the fulfillment of which depends on peace on Earth - is frustrating rocket launch and prevention, so the war between the US and China.

Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
Pentium III or Athlon 700MHz Processor
128MB |RAM
32MB 3D Accelerated Video Card
DirectX-compatible Sound Card
8X CD-ROM Drive
1.9GB Hard Disk Space
DirectX 8.1
Pentium 4| or Athlon 1.2GHz Processor
512MB| RAM
64MB 3D| Accelerated Video Card
DirectX-|compatible Sound Card
32X |CD-ROM Drive
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